New Here?

First time with us? We're so happy to welcome you! Find more info about our Sundays here...

New to Liberti Church?

Welcome! Whether you’re checking out Liberti Church for the first time, or you’ve already visited us and you want to get to know Liberti more, we’re so glad! You're who we pray for!

From the start, we want you to know we're all about Jesus. You won't be met with shame, guilt, or condemnation. Our church is made up of imperfect people with all kinds of story imaginable, with one good and gracious God in common. Everybody is welcome, and you are invited to not just gather with us but become part of our family!

However, we know that getting to know people and becoming involved in the life of a church can sometimes be a challenge and so we want to make that as easy as possible by connecting you with other people who would love to welcome you.

We believe that church is not just a Sunday service and that much of what we do happens throughout the week. We would love for you to fill out the form below so that we can reach out to you and connect you with the life and community of our church!

What to expect on a Sunday

Every Sunday you’ll hear a message taught from the Bible, God's written Word. We explain what the Bible says, what it means for us and how we ought to respond to God in our contexts. Some key ways we respond in the service are through prayer, singing, corporately spoken readings and responses, communion/the Lord's Supper, giving, and fellowship over tea and coffee. There's no obligation to participate in any, you can join in or you can prayerfully observe.

If you have children, they’re just as welcome as you are! They’ll usually stay with us at the start and end of our gathering. In between, our children’s volunteers will spend time teaching the primary age kids from the Bible or keeping the younger ones entertained with books and toys.

Every Sunday you’ll meet people from Liberti Church who are passionate about Jesus and have a genuine love and care for our great city of Liverpool. These will be people from all walks of life. Employed, unemployed, students, dads, mums, grandparents, singles and married couples. Some have known Jesus for many years, some have only just met Him and others are yet to meet Him, but everyone is welcome. Some will dress smart, some will dress causal, come as you - you’ll be welcome too!

Gospel Communities

As important as Sundays are, we believe church is far more than that. Church is God's people centred around the gospelmarked by grace and on mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Throughout the week we meet in homes across the area in 'Gospel Communities' where we share food, pray with each other, study the Bible and grow deeper in our knowledge and love for God. To read more, click here.

If you're looking to join one of our Gospel Community home groups, let us know in the form below along with your other details.

Want to get involved?